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Social Media Social Media Strategies for Excavation Companies

February 09, 20233 min read

Social Media Strategies for Excavation Companies

As an excavation business, you understand the value of digging deep and laying a strong foundation. The same can be said for your online presence. In today’s world, having a strong online presence is essential to any business, and social media is one of the best ways to grow it. Let’s take a look at how excavation companies can benefit from social marketing.

social marketing for excavation companies

The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing provides numerous advantages that help you stand out in the crowded landscape of excavation companies. Here are just a few of them:

• Increased Brand Awareness – Use your company’s social media accounts to showcase your services and attract new customers. You can also post pictures and videos of completed projects to further boost your brand awareness.

• Improved Customer Service – Soliciting feedback from customers on social media is a great way to improve customer service. Responding quickly and professionally to customer comments will show potential customers that you care about their experience with your company.

• Increased Reach – With social media, you can reach potential customers who wouldn’t have otherwise found out about your services. You can also use targeted ads to get your message across more effectively.

• Improved Search Rankings – Studies have shown that businesses with active social media accounts tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that when someone searches for an excavation company, yours will be more likely to appear among the top results if you have an active social media presence.

How to Get Started with Social Media Marketing

If you want to start leveraging the power of social media marketing for your excavation business but don’t know where to begin, here are some tips:

• Create Accounts on Popular Platforms – Start off by creating accounts on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube (if applicable). Once these accounts are created, make sure they are filled out completely with all relevant information about your business and its services/products.   • Develop a Content Strategy – Once you have set up your accounts on these platforms, decide what type of content you want to post and how often you want to post it (monthly? weekly? daily?). Make sure that this content is engaging; otherwise, people won’t pay attention or interact with it. Try posting videos or photos related to projects or stories about customers who have used your services successfully in the past.    • Monitor Your Progress – Finally, keep track of how well each post performs so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly if needed. This will help ensure that every post gets maximum impact while still staying within budget (if applicable).

CONCLUSION: Social media marketing has become essential for any type of business in today's digital age—including excavation companies! By utilizing popular platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and developing an effective content strategy focused on engagement and interaction with customers, businesses like yours can significantly increase brand awareness while improving their customer service at the same time.. With proper monitoring and strategic planning in place, businesses that invest in social media will reap the rewards over time! So don't wait - get started today!

Again, if you need some help, go to excavationmarketingpros.com/quicklinks and we've got free resources on that page for you, including the mastermind group.

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Scott Andreasen

Scott Andreasen, runs Excavation Marketing Pros. An excavation contractor marketing firm specializing in helping excavation contractors to grow their businesses.

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Get Found!

Total demolition leads

We help Excavation Companies that sell demolition services to get more of their top money making services by getting found on search engines for those services.

Just imagine how it would impact your demolition business showing up in the organic search listings getting all the FREE clicks and high ticket leads for:

✔️House Demolition
✔️Shed Removal

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✔️Selective Demolition

✔️Mechanical Demolition



Now compound that exposure in all the local surrounding areas where you operate...

Better yet, just focus on the ideal jobs you want more of and ONLY compound demolition leads for those!

That's just organic SEO... You can also dominate the Google Maps 3 Pack. The Google Maps section gets the lion-share of all the calls and contain your reviews and phone number.

Customer ROI Tracking!

Interior demolition leads

We track everything and will show PROOF to you DOLLAR for DOLLAR where your demolition customers are coming from and your cost to acquire a new customer! This way you can make smarter decisions based on factual numbers .

"So how many leads are coming from your website or Facebook Ads or Google Ads?"

The common answer most business owners tell us is, "I got no idea." When asked, "How many new clients are coming from each marketing channel?" The response is almost always, "I got no clue."

Don't Worry... We got you! We know how to set up the right systems for demolition companies so you'll know EXACTLY where each client comes from AND the COST PER LEAD and COST PER CUSTOMER from EACH MARKETING CHANNEL! Armed with that kind of information helps you make better decisions for your business with less stress and headaches.

Skyrocket Demolition Sales!

Selective demolition

Why should people hire your Demolition company instead of your nearest competitor? The common answer we here is, "Because I'm honest and provide a good service."

Look, every demolition company in your local area claims the SAME EXACT THING. What you need is a "USP." -Unique Selling Proposition.

We will give you one to tell your story and set yourself apart from the rest.

We'll give you proven CTAs "Calls To Action" based on current test data of what's working and the latest demolition marketing trends to compel your ideal demolition customers to want to hire you for the EXACT DEMOLITION SERVICES YOU WANT MORE OF!

Your Demolition Service Marketing Experts In Online Marketing 👷

We know the excavation business and for many in the industry, providing demolition service is part of what you do... When we wake up each morning we ask ourselves the same question, "How can we get better results for our excavation clients?" -We've gotten really good at answering that specific question! We get in, take action fast and produce the results based on your goals of where you're at and where you want to go.

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But only if you take action and book a call.

Demolition Marketing Strategies & Systems⚙️

Are you ready to take your Demolition Company to the next level? Lets discuss your goals and get to know you and your business. Then we will put together a custom and detailed Demolition Accelerator Blueprint specific to your needs. You keep the blueprint whether we're a match to work together or not. $397.00 Value - Free for a limited time!

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Our Motto

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If We Can't Make Your EXCAVATIOn Company Money, We Don't Deserve Yours!

When you work with Exacavation Marketing Pros® you'll see that we're results driven, straight to the point and get the job done. Here's what our demolition clients love about us:

  • Fast Results, We'll Simply Plug You In To What Works... No Trial & Error!

  • Dedicated Account Manager... Unparalleled Custom Service Because We Love Our Customers❤️😊

  • 100% Accountability, NO BS... We Provide A $1 MIL Revenue Guarantee.

Demolition Marketing Services

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Proven Demolition Service Ad Campaigns, Ad Copy For Demolition Services

Nobody has the level of specific experience and campaign data for the excavation industry like we do. We'll target your ideal demolition service jobs on Google and Facebook. Then filter out the best leads and even do the follow up. By the time you get the lead it's of the highest quality.

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Bullseye Targeting For Your Ideal Demolition Services

We can eliminate all the stress, trial and error for you... not to mention all the wasted time and money by trying "Generalist Marketers" or piecing together strategies on Youtube. You can skip the trial and error with us.

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Web & Lead Analytics

You'll always know where your next client is coming from and have a predictable system in place for getting your ideal clients ON DEMAND.

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Client Acquisition Data Analysis

This is fancy talk for knowing your cost per lead and cost to acquire a customer from each ad channel: Google, Facebook, organic SEO and so on... Watch us lower your cost to acquire a new customer from the web using methodical data analysis based on your cost per lead and cost per customer. See it all in your dashboard we give you in plain English.

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Reputation Management

It's bidding a race to the bottom if your reputation doesn't hold weight! High quality clients want to see a solid reputation before spending the big money, am I right? So stop bidding lower prices then your competitors and increase your profitability and worth by proactively increasing 5 Star Reviews while mitigating bad reviews before they go public... We do all this for you.

demolition Contractor Marketing Services

Your Business Has A UniqueMedia Selling Proposition (USP)

Get ready to skyrocket sales to new levels based on your USP. We'll tell your unique story in a way to attract clients and set yourself apart from the competitors. You've got unique aspects to your business that your competitors don't have and cannot compete with... We'll find it and use it. Then ramp things up with Specials and Seasonal promotions that are guaranteed to yield a strong return on investment.

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TM - All Rights Reserved

Excavation Marketing, excavation leads, land clearing marketing, Excavation marketing services, excavation marketing contractor, Pool Excavation Leads, Hydro Excavation Leads, Demolition Leads, Construction leads, Landscaping leads, Land Clearing Leads, Pond Leads, Septic Leads, Land Remediation Leads, Lot clearing Leads, Site Work Leads, Road Grading Leads, Heavy construction marketing, Septic tank install leads


*Any and all guarantees will be discussed on our call and formalized in writing. Average time to setup of 2 business days depends on pre-existing client online assets, certain restrictions apply.